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TIhe WEbßflVlANp BeIhavi’or
$f í^|^Í3Sf5
/h|f$3ckie RansdeJI’
S«f/F\ \ x
W^t^o’the/webs/that spiders
buildlia\7sKcLtel/ us apout man’s
aehayiori /^^^>–/
I Why were/spiders ¿RoSeruíor a
trip/aboard/Skyrabi America’s fí?St>
manned space station?
/The answer^ to these ancPKjter,
questions about spiders ánd.trrefe;
uniqueness as subjects of research^1
studies lies with Dr. Peter Witt, a
pharmacologist Wiginally__Jrorrr’
Switzerland anjdácMnté^mational-^
ly-Kno^o-fWsé3|xher\ whose labqraf\
¿fijare housed aftDorothe^Äd
Hospital in\Raleigra, pnepf^^^lm
OarófinaVs foun staty^ycnyric
hospitals \ ^\ \ v?3r 5
\Here, yjvWvirt, vmqm^mso di^j
rector of \the\ DepartmPp of Mera^
tal\ Health’s resear^rdiwision, 7s J
Sate hing nis spiders weave a new!
ebiof Knowledge. atodírt thV com#
léx\natcjre\of mjW$ \ \ |JJy
\ Tne field\oft/research has \dgm
been a subject hf coWiderableiÄftl
terest\an^imrigue. This ns ptA.
tioulatj^rue irNtheNfielp of menr§j£
hqajjtn wherex authorities belW^
toatt^seansft hbJds^h&key fto prm”
ventingNor ourink the ‘causgs of
atenta I i lines ^ And\ sVWsearCtK,
ens bdti^ve xhis\dra n^u/gny’Mjm
der&cpressthkh^ed for yncwqring”
tjreventfve measures as soon a.s
possible, N\ yc
N Thurtar, Dn^Witrp research ofK
spiders haS^beenXQncentrated on
The effects that et/vi ronpient ^nd
drugs have-on wek. b u i I d iiTg>~ío rx
example, takdxAra, a tem^je Ora
^/Teamed with Dr. Win and eifcíY
/BM computer, \ra is helping u$r^
/learn mfore aboit the behavior of
man. why do w< i behave the way
we do? Are we born with our be-
havior/ patterns or are they team/
ed after birth? C in these pagems
Aper^njarty ft ars of reseaWi^
tha| the^rb^spicer will build aqd
^|rs strongest nstinct because
t^^is^hejTTethoil used to secure^
prácticaTiy every t ———
/.—Dfr-WItt-and-! is research as-
7sistanftJYbscHVtat el Scat boro, a-
/dong’with medical and psychology
students^frqrfT’U ^IC-Chapel Hill.
‘-DdJeland^C^rsi ateTüñ¡versft¡d5r~
‘^dmjnistejijlnjgsnjatiy-^ ~oL_
the lWspiders ufeed^mrtííe ex-/
\pepifnents. A. group-pf” fifty spiders
>domprises tpfe^ctinljrol group and
\j^cewes>tódfrugs al: all. A secincj
«raúpof fifty s oic er<; take oné
gdriig while a difie re ft drjjg[is ad|
rAinWpmH tip the thti Ed~grnrrfT~T 7
-—TMáñy~cíassesj of Vlrugs are used I
in/tne experiments including iran-
^mji|zers, amphetamines, Tbarbi-
tprates–ajTphal ucinpgéns. \ \ \
/ In the 13M7®ornpute’r is stored
^Täv/master wetj, arompggire\ of
^mahy normal webs./The comBcrteir
^compares he vebs/spun/oydrug-
spideikwth_the/mpster web
®^Wecords tne .numerical/ differ-,
‘Gm&lCJ / / / /
_ TfSfcWebs spun ps/mo/mal /spi*
lÍ det^sraj/dear jwqrká/o^art.yFrpe
Mpdm dufejahd/wina ./they” arfeprac-
Äfbal ly/he%c/sB/it/w^s/spuhf by /
mugged s^er^^y^-iifcompietk’
jSgmräls, ^patchworpv pf holes/aha
^a^rararq angles/^/ \/ sS* ‘ I *
Warn hi^^e^ehW.Br. Witt
subtle pifferbnces / in
/the ®py/thdt drugs ^feptSman.’s
b ra ¡ rStínd h i s/bpdy ./Fpr^examp Ie,
t w^ oo^fift®iy hallucinpge’nsX-
jftesÄfi ne/pe/ived fnqm a cactus/
apd ®5+lbcyh(n wnicn qdmes ’fcdm
‘ci nrushroom/^c^cmsimilar re- ‘
adults wheiy-^gf^en to map/ they
both pffec/tfte Mnd anjd/muscjpC
Tbe di^ug§ causé hatlucinatidns
/ranging frop/visiorj/of mofisters
w’a fe0dg of onén^ss^itfith God;’
land ftt/omg^ase^eyen .-prpduce
^ru3 indoordiftafion.